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Clamps squeeze two sliding members against each other to engage them positively with minimal flex and movement. Seats that are clamped enjoy the rigidity efficiency benefits of fully-welded seats at the expense of some additional weight. Clamped seats are more efficient that pinned seats.


Rear-suspension comfort, performance, and stable laid-back seating position combine in the appealing ICE Sprint-RS.
Full-suspension comfort, performance, and stable laid-back seating position combine in the appealing ICE Sprint-FS.
Easy access high seat and extra wide cross member. A high quality, adjustable user-friendly Catrike. Adjustable seat from upright to laid-back. Signature Color: Alpine Whit
Adjustable multi-purpose Catrike. With stable geometry and friendly ergonomics it is great for novices and veterans alike. Signature Color: Shiny Mango
Air shock suspended Catrike with truly triangulated frame. A versatile ride for your favorite trail, commuting or any adventure. Signature Color: Electric Blue
Villager w. fullsize 26" drivewheel, easy access high seat, & extra wide cross member. A high quality, adjustable user-friendly Catrike. Adjustable seat from upright to laid-back..
