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For an everyday rider getting around town, the Spirit is a convenient bike.

The high and upright seat makes balancing this bike easier than lower recumbent bikes, and gives you confidence in traffic. It is also easier to change position from pedaling to standing still. The sleek curve of the frame makes it easy to stand over the bike and to get one leg over it. A medium wheel-base makes this bike very agile for navigating narrow turns and crowded streets.

The Spirit has a built-in rack behind the seat for securing backpacks, purses, briefcases, etc. The rear suspension will cushion every pot hole and curb while you maneuver through town. The chain is nearly completely covered to keep your clothing clean. The Spirit is suitable with trailers as well, so you don't have to leave anything behind.

Product features:

Other HP Velotechnik recumbent bike

HP Velotechnik makes premium recumbent products in Germany. An extensive lineup of models includes two-wheelers, three-wheelers, electric-assist, and an array of suspension systems for comfort.

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