What's new on this website?
27 Apr 2016
- Site navigation changes.
28 Feb 2016
- All news from our front page or at www.alphabent.com/news.
- Responsive theme with multi-level menus. We're using a new theme that gives pretty good results on lots of different devices. Still a bit of tweaking to do, but, largely, its working pretty well.
- Find out about recumbent rides in northern California and the Bay Area. We show a calendar of rides now on our front page and at www.alphabent.com/calendar
- Secure website. We have moved to a strictly SSL HTTP protocol. What this means for you is that when you register, log-in, or do anything on our website, no mal-adjusted people in the world will be able to sniff out your password or spy on you from midstream.
- Accordion views. Many of the lists of information have now been moved into something called an "accordion" view. This means that you will generally see a headline and then you can click on it to see more, rather than get overwhelmed by all of the information at once.
- Hashtags. Now, a lot of the content is indexed with user-definable hashtags. Someday, this might be useful, and that day might already be here. It should help to group different content together. When you see a tag, you should be able to click on it and see anything tagged with that.
- Better Classified Ads. We have made it easier to list and find used stuff that gets put on our classified ads. Classifieds can be found at www.alphabent.com/classifieds and are organized by product type and brand.
Can you tell we enjoy this stuff as much as recumbents?