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Recumbent gearing calculator

Wheel diameterWheel size:
Front chainring(s): Crank length:
Front transmissionNone:
Schlumpf DriveMountain-Drive:     Speed-Drive:     HighSpeed-Drive:
Pinion gearboxP1.12:     P1.18:
Efneo GTRO (3-speed):
Rear cassetteCassette:
Raw gear: -
~=170mm: -

SRAM 3x7 / Dual-Drive: -
~=170mm: -
14-sp Rohloff Speedhub 500/14 Cog: -
~=170mm: -
3x3 NINE Cog: -
~=170mm: -
7-8sp Internal Cog: SRAM S7: -
Shimano Nexus-7: -
Shimano Nexus Inter-8: -
Shimano Alfine-11: -
Nuvinci N360: -
Sturmey: -
Single-speed: -
© 2003-2024 Hugh Kern, All rights reserved.
Bionx 350W electric-assist on Bacchetta A26 / Giro ATT-26

Bacchetta A26 (Giro ATT-26) recumbent bike gets even faster with 350W Bionx electric motor.

Folded HP Velotechnik Gekko FX-20 recumbent trike

HP runs out of Gekko-FX20 recumbent trikes in US for 2017

Day-6 semi-recumbent bike is alternative to traditional bike saddles with forward crank design

Production delays over. Day-6 bikes available and in-stock again

RTR 2017 Travel Edition hits shelves -- features adventures in Argentina and California, and a side-by-side review of Azub Six and HP Velotechnik StreetMachine Gte.
