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Recumbent Tandem Rider #50 -- 2015 Summer

Issue #50 of Recumbent Tandem Rider Magazine is in the shop now. Features articles include:

  • Bacchetta Giro 26 review
  • Rolf Prima tandem wheels
  • Nite Ize SpokeLit LED spoke wheel lights
  • Touring California coast on Bacchetta recumbent bikes
  • Tandem cycling review
  • TATAR trike / recumbent tour of American River in Sacramento
  • Cycle tourism stories

Come get your free copy in the shop, or subscribe online at RTR Magazine.


Catrike Trail with Alfine-8 wheel, Racktime rack and basket, and special accessory-mounts.

A Catrike Trail E-Cat accessorized with a Shimano Alfine-8 drivetrain upgrade, Racktime rear rack with integrating basket, phone-mount, and extra mirror using AlphaBENT accessory mounts.

Catrike Dumont with Neodrive Z20 electric-assist

10 solid reasons to add electric-assist to your Catrike with a Neodrive Z20 hub-motor.

HP Velotechnik Gekko-26 hand-cycle recumbent trike
Hand-cycling is vigorous full-body exercise that builds upper body strength. HP Velotechnik's new Hands-On Cycle is available for the Gekko-26 model with a weight rating to 320lb.
Jobs Listings, Help Wanted, Positions Available
