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This idler is second only to the upgraded

The Strada Cadence is useful for riders interested in training and exercise.

The Micro features a backlight to illuminate the screen at night.

The Enduro is useful for riders interested in exercise and commuting.

Santa Harley rides a Pocket

Submitted by hugh on 30 March 2014 - 10:42pm

So, this Santa Harley guy shows up and looks at me familiarly and asks if I recognize him. There's no way around it, I don't...

Seven years ago, this gentleman came to my Chico shop tipping in at more than 300# and bought one of the smallest trikes made. I remember being a bit skeptical at the time. I wasn't sure this was going to last, but I remember his determination.

Here he is, 7 years later and quite a few pounds less a man than he was before... He and his Pocket are looking fine!

Solidly made in Canada! Arkel is a manufacturer of innovative commuting and touring packs in Quebec, Canada.

27 Mar 2014 - 3:38pm

The XLC trunk box has a locking latch and key to secure your items.

This bag is perfect for carrying small items that you need easy access to on

These pedals have a special toe-clip and strapping system that secures your f

These are two-sided pedals.

Hot Italian

Submitted by hugh on 24 March 2014 - 10:10pm

Great pizza joint in Sacramento at 16th and Q: Hot Italian. On recommendation of SyncroGuy DS, who knows his Italian food.

We rode there on the Pino tandem and stretched the interesting bike rack and our bellies to limits.


Rivendell Rohloff (now, for something completely different)

Submitted by hugh on 23 March 2014 - 6:30pm

It's quite an honor when someone is so happy with they work you did on their recumbent trike, that they want you to do a really special thing on a different cycle they own.

Recently, a gentleman with a Rivendell touring bike came to me for a Rohloff customization request. The challenge is to put some kind of do-hickey on the bike that will accept a conventional Rohloff torque arm system without actually requiring the hassle of using a torque arm (they make tire fixing more of a challenge than it needs to be.)

Upgrade your recumbent's idler pulley to the TerraCycle Elite series idler.

A classic touring tire.

This USB rechargeable light shines at a wide angle to improve your visibility
